2 Years In The Making: Launching RangeTrainerPro

Hey there! I'm K.L. Cleeton, one of the co-founders of RangeTrainerPro. I've been working on bringing this idea to life since 2017, and I couldn't be more excited to finally share it with you.

I've been playing poker for the better part of 10 years and have taken it seriously and played professionally for the last 2 years. In my journey to grow and improve in the game I've had the privilege to work with and learn from some of the brightest stars in the industry. I've worked with Twitch streamers like Drew “BetOnDrew” Gonzales and Patrick "Egption" Tardif, am one of only 2 Americans staked by one of the most prestigious staking groups in the world, Team 651, and have been mentored for the last year by one of the most respected players and coaches in the game, Ryan LaPlante. I've had immeasurable help and support to get to this point in my poker career. But, not everyone is as fortunate as I've been to have such an outstanding support system dedicated to helping them improve as a player and person. This site exists to be that support and help you grow as a player.

A long time ago I realized that there are nearly unlimited amounts of information available to teach people the theory of the game, but there is almost nothing to help people apply the theory that they learn to real-world scenarios. The best example of this is the foundation of every person's poker game: Pre-Flop ranges. This is arguably the single most important aspect of improving as a player as it is the foundation on which the rest of any hand is built. There are a litany of resources available that can tell you what your range should look like in a specific situation, but absolutely no one does anything to help you actually memorize those ranges. Until now, range study consisted of essentially the flash card method. You would need to visually study a range and then hide that range from your view and try to recreate it in some way from memory. The problem is, this isn't a useful way to learn ranges. You don't do this at the table, so why would you do this in your studying? This is exactly why RangeTrainerPro was created. 

With this app, you can store an unlimited number of ranges for absolutely free and access those ranges from any device that has an Internet connection. But, more than that, with a subscription RangeTrainerPro becomes a powerful training tool designed to help you learn ranges in a way that approximates playing in real-world situations. Finally, not everyone has the ability or the desire to take the time to create their own ranges. I get it. It can be daunting and overwhelming to build something so fundamental from scratch. So, RangeTrainerPro is partnering with LearnProPoker from day one to make GTO solved ranges, using Monker and PIOSolver, available for purchase for a fraction of the cost of similar ranges from other sources. To start, we have a Raise First In (RFI)  Range Pack with over 50 ranges available and expanded packs for facing an open, responding to 3bets, 4betting, responding to 4bets, and responding to limpers are planned for the future. 

Finally, I’ll be making regular updates to this blog to keep everyone updated on what sort of improvements you can expect to the app going forward. I’m a firm believer that stagnation is equal to regression in the poker world. So, this app will continually strive to grow and improve to further help you train and study in the most efficient way possible. Also, RangeTrainerPro doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s built for poker players, by poker players. As such, I want to hear directly from you on what you think would be most valuable to add to the app as we move forward. I can’t promise that every single suggestion will be implemented, but I can promise that every single suggestion will be read, taken into consideration, and responded to. I’m a poker player, first and foremost, and I care about the poker community. I’m always going to strive to do what is in the best interest of poker as an institution. This is my pledge.

Thank you for visiting the site and I hope that you find RangeTrainerPro powerful and useful.



How are RangeTrainerPro ranges created and updated?